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Monday, September 3, 2012

CS7 Clicker (Best 2014 - 2015 Bot Supporting Proxy, Time Interval)

This amazing bot supports proxies, you can choose click coordinates, time interval and every option you would ever want! Use it on your ads and make infinite $.

In order to not get detected you choose 2 time intervals, and the application chooses a random number between them for each click. Clicker includes many other features as OS changer fake resolution etc to not get detected.
You can buy this software, if you are interested send email at 


Thursday, March 22, 2012

C Programming Tutorial Part 2 Variables and Operators

In this tutorial I will explain what are the variables and operators. " Variables " are changing parameters as the word says which we use to store data ( numbers, letters etc ). There are different types of variables. The most used are:  
              integers which can store numbers  in the range [ 2^-15 - 2^16-1]
              strings which can store letters only, to use strings we need to include the string.h library
              char which can store only one character or numbers from [ -128 - 127 ]

For each variable we can use the switch long before them , for example longint= " long integer " which allows us to store a larger number, or the switch singed/unsiged. For example unsignedint means that we always take only the positive value. Finally the simplest operators are " + ", " - " which allow us to make calculations and later on we will learn other operators as +=, ++ etc.
Below is a programm that I wrote and I have explained every command in the comments after the " // ".

1:  #include<stdio.h>   
2:  #include <windows.h>  
3:   int main ()  
4:  {  
5:     int a,b,s; //we declare 3 integer variables  
6:       printf("Enter Nr1:"); // we ask for the first number  
7:       scanf("%d",&a); // scanf command stores the value of the number we enter on the integer a  
8:       printf("EnterNr2:");   
9:       scanf("%d",&b); //store the value of number 2 on the integer b  
10:       s=a+b; // calculate the sum and store it on the variable b  
11:       printf("Sum=%d",s); // we print the sum, the %d switch tells the compiler to print a whole number  
12:       system("pause"); // we just freeze the program so it doesn't end automaticlly, we need to press any key for it to end  
13:       return 0;  
14:  }  

Download the .c file of the program above : Download

Previous Tutorial <<                    >> Next Tutorial will be posted on 30 March

C Programming Tutorial Introduction

Before I start my tutorial I will make an introduction to C programming language. First I want to give you some history about C.
The development of C occured at Bell Labs between 1969 and 1973. The first language was called B by Thompson, then at 1971 Ritchie modified the language and gave it a new name : Extended B or ( NB ) which means new B. Finally on 1973 it was given the name C and later on 1989 it was created the first standard ( c89 ) and on 1999 the second standard ( c99 ). These two standards aren't  very different from each other, but anyway we will learn c99 because it is being used more nowadays.

The steps we follow to write a program :
1. Write it in a text editor and it is saved in a .c file and is known as " source code "
2. Compile the source code and we get an object code .obj
3. Linking step where we make it a .exe file ( executable file ) and finally we execute the program!

Please note that the first and second steps are made automatically by the compiler and you won't see them. A compiler is a software which works as text editor, compiler and linker together. There are many free compilers avaible and we suggest that you use one of these : dev c++ or  codeblocks. On my next tutorials I will use dev c++ and you can download it for free here Download

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